Read the “Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life” Blog

Authentically Teresa Funke – Never AI

The Hardest Easy Job

I attended the National Speakers Association convention this past weekend, and heard a presenter refer to speaking as one of the “hardest ‘easy’ jobs there is.” Made us all laugh. A friend of mine recently sought a speaker for a 30-minute keynote to kick off her event. When he quoted her a $5,000 fee, she...

You Can Say It All In a Glance

One of the things I love about being married is exchanging those “knowing glances” with my husband. They occur when, say, one of our kids has just declared with great conviction that he/she is going to do something we doubt they will actually follow through on. All we have to do is look at each...

Channeling Teddy

I was just offered an amazing opportunity! It was actually on my bucket list, but I had assumed I’d need to be much further along before I was invited. In fact, I’m a bit nervous. I wish I had more pieces and parts in place in my business to support this, but that’s how it...

Under Pressure

What are the rest of the words to that song?  Oh, never mind.  Those are the only two words that matter, and they seem to be popping into my head more often these days. Is it just me, or are we all feeling increased pressure? If I read one more article, for example, that tells...