The Art of Vacationing in Your Mind

We recently returned from a four-week trip to New Zealand. We’d arranged our air fare, car rental, and lodging in advance, but had intentionally planned nothing else. We’ve discovered on these longer trips a distinct freedom in going with no set expectations. There were certain things we hoped to see while we were there, and...

You Bet I’m Proud

Whenever I run into anyone I haven’t seen in a while they ask, “Have you written any new books lately?” “No,” I say. “But I’m still writing my weekly blog.” Most people look a bit disappointed. I guess a blog is nowhere near as impressive or exciting as a book. Or is it? Three days...

Woe Is Me

There have been times in human history when the term “Woe is me” was actually stated in seriousness by people who were sad or overly challenged. In modern usage, though, it is said in a more dramatic, humorous way, and sometime with a hint of irony: “I won front row tickets to the concert Saturday...