Cheers to All Us Daydreamer Kids

My friend, Franklin, and I were bonding over shared memories of getting in trouble for “daydreaming” or “not paying attention” in class. He mentioned he wasn’t really daydreaming, he was processing, and that struck a chord with me. I always felt like an imposter when someone accused me of daydreaming. The dictionary definition of daydreaming...

They’re Not Asking

Parents love giving advice to their grown kids, at least this parent does. Advice, though, is not always welcomed or well-received. My husband is always reminding me, “They’re not asking.” And he’s right. Sometimes our kids don’t ask because they’ve already made up their minds and don’t want to change them; sometimes it’s because they...

I Am Here

Today marks two weeks since life turned upside down thanks to the coronavirus. Friday the 13th is when it became clear my husband and I would need to start isolating, although it had not yet sunk in how all-encompassing that would be. Roger was recently channel surfing and landed on the movie, Guardians of the...

Journey On Just One Step More

I’m too tired to write this blog post. It’s been a long week, full of logistical and emotional ups and downs in both my business and personal life. It’s difficult, you know, when you care about your work, but you also care about your family and your community. It’s hard to sometimes feel spread so...