Read the “Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life” Blog

Authentically Teresa Funke – Never AI

Sing it again, Mom

I love to sing. That’s not to say I’m great at it. I can carry a tune, and I’m game enough to massacre a song or two on karaoke, but my favorite way to use song has always been to get my kids’ attention. As they were growing up, whenever they were ignoring my directives...

The Power of Art

“Black Lives Matter” may just be one of the most powerful political slogans of our time. And it all started with a Facebook post. According to an article I read, Alicia Garza was upset when George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin.  She wrote a heartfelt post on Facebook that contained the words, “black...

Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em

I love people who laugh at their own jokes. The harder they laugh, the better. Why shouldn’t we take enjoyment from our own creativity? Why create anything if it doesn’t bring us pleasure? I love people who sing loudly and badly in church. Why? Because they are more concerned with giving praise than they are...

The Happiness of Art

There are two lines in the book The Artist’s Way that read, “A productive artist is quite often a happy person. This can be very threatening as a self-concept to those who are used to getting their needs met by being unhappy.” Yet we, as a society, continue to hold on to the concept that...

Sam I Am

Sam Smith was the big winner at the Grammy Awards this year.  “Before I made this record,” he said, “I was doing everything to try and get my music heard. I tried to lose weight and I was making awful music. It was only until I started to be myself that the music started to...

Love What You Do

My daughter is taking a college class on a subject she should enjoy. But the professor is monotone and dry and, frankly, boring. If you have lost enthusiasm for your subject, quit teaching. After a minor surgery, I mentioned to my nurse that I have sensitive veins and asked if she could please remove the...