You Are Not . . . Revisited

This post originally ran on July 2, 2022 and is reprinted here in honor of Thanksgiving Week  I’ve been reading a book called Real: The Inside-Out Guide to Being Yourself by Clare Diamond. In Part One, Diamond deconstructs “self” by telling us all the things we are not. We are not our thoughts, emotions, beliefs,...

Please, Surprise Me

When I was young and listening in as the adults talked, I heard a common refrain, “Nothing surprises me anymore.” Usually, it referred to any type of behavior or trends with which they disagreed. As a kid, though, I found the expression kind of sad. I mean, surprises were the best thing ever. In my...

Will You Let the Universe Use You?

I ran into a former client from my days as a writer’s coach. She’d self-published a memoir about living with a certain disease. She was telling me all the efforts she’d made to market the book, but it never really caught on, except with the local nurses. She said they recommended her book often and...

Reading books is a sacred act between reader and author

Books Are Not Sacred

I gifted a nonfiction book to a friend I knew she’d like. She texted me to say she was loving it, so much so she’d actually dog-eared a couple of pages so she could come back to them later. I texted back: “Books are not sacred. Dog-ear it, underline it, write in the margins, put...