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Black Friday Deal for Aspiring Writers

I’m straying a bit from my usual posts this week because I know you are all in shopping mode and I’m excited to share a deal regarding my new ten-part course, “How To Write Your First Novel.”

This course is available through my partner,, which is the best online learning center in the world (in my opinion). Curious members pay a very small monthly or yearly fee to access video courses from qualified teachers on everything from finances to cooking, do-it-yourself projects to fitness, and, of course, anything related to the arts. If you click here, you will automatically get a 20% discount. Consider this a great gift for any of the aspiring writers on your list.

Have a great shopping day!  As for me, I’m going to start working on my famous holiday letter!

P.S. Yes, that is my typewriter. It belonged to my neighbor, who used it in the 1930s. It was given to me after her death, and it’s one of my most treasured belongings.