Running for the Henhouse

My husband showed me a TikTok video the other day of a chicken high-tailing it across a field headed for the henhouse, while a hawk swoops down repeatedly trying to snatch it. The people filming the video are too far away to help, but they’re screaming at the chicken. “Go, RUN, go, go, go!” Some...

The Power of Can’t

From the time we are children, we are taught to worship the power of “can.”  “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  “You can do anything you set your mind to.” We never talk, though, about the power of “can’t.”  I recently took a personality test and, apparently, I have a bit of...

Success is a Winding Road

Today is my birthday, and I’m taking the day off to spend it with my family and friends.  So instead of writing my message, I’m going to speak it. I want to share with you a one-minute segment from a video interview conducted by my friend Karen Fournier at Starstream Productions. She asked me what...